Oil & Gas

From production, through transportation, process, and distribution, the Oil & Gas industry is facing operational, maintenance, safety, and environmental challenges. Both, onshore or offshore, the Oil & Gas infrastructure is operating in harsh remote locations. The IIoT and SCADA system enable remote monitoring and control of the different sites in the production, transportation, and distribution of the Oil & Gas products.


It includes production sites, gathering stations, tanks, transport pipelines and distribution networks. These include the monitoring of pump or station pressure, emergency shut downs, fire detection, pump start/stop statistics, along with many other features.


The offshore production sites present and additional safety and environmental challenges. The offloading process of the products from the FPSOs to the tankers, from tankers to other tankers and from tankers to onshore storage, includes safety systems, such as the OMTS (Offloading Monitoring Telemetry System), that are designed to be the “last sentinel” to prevent safety or environmental incidents.


These systems are based on wireless communications, and must comply with the highest availability and cyber-secured requirements.


The SCADA also takes part in the Pipeline Leak Detection System (LDS), by providing Real-Time Flow, Pressure, and Temperature information. This allows for fast and accurate location of leaks.


Click here for more details on Wireless Communications for Mission Control.


Application Notes