City of Orlando Project


System Description

The City of Orlando has a SCADA system that monitors and controls its 220+ Lift Stations, which are part of the City’s Wastewater Collection System.

The system uses different generations of Motorola RTUs (MOSCAD and ACE3600) and wireless networks.  The original wireless network is based on Motorola narrowband radios. The city introduced a cellular network to gain from higher speed and good coverage while keeping the radio network as backup.

For many years, the City of Orlando has kept using advanced technologies to increase the system’s availability, resiliency, and usability.

Services and products that Star Controls provided

Since its inception, Star Controls has provided the City of Orlando with different products and services. Star Controls was qualified by the City of Orlando as the main provider of services for its SCADA system.

Here are the products and Services that Star Controls provided:

  • Software for the RTUs.
    • Star Controls’ StaRTU simplifies the application software and improves its maintainability. It also provides powerful troubleshooting and diagnostics tools.
  • Fast Pace migration of old RTUs to New Cyber Secured RTUs
  • Assist with the Migration to Cellular
  • Annual Support
  • Ongoing projects

Star Controls delivered multiple projects involving an upgrade of existing SCADA and field hardware, as well as advanced programming and RTU software upgrade, using different types of radio and LAN/WAN communications.

Star Controls also acts as a trusted advisor on improvements, the introduction of new technologies, and the design and implementation of these initiatives.

City of Orlando


“Star Controls has gained our trust and confidence through many years of strong relationships. Star Controls provided the City of Orlando with different software products as well as services, which help our team to accomplish High-Availability of our SCADA system and constantly improve its performance and resiliency. Our team members know that Star Controls is available whenever they need it.”

Guy Mecabe – Industrial Automation Manager, Industrial Automation Group, Water Reclamation Division

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